One of the biggest issues preventing the growth of cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin is lack of acceptance in places to spend your money. The money has little use if you can only trade it and HODL it, but can’t spend it. Time and time again, articles have been written by authoritative sources in the crypto and financial world saying that the biggest obstacle to more widespread adoption of Bitcoin is ability to spend it. And dozens of companies have either launched coins or built or coordinated with payment processors in efforts to allow them to accept Bitcoin. But, for a variety of reasons, very few online merchants have moved to allow you to purchase their goods or services with Bitcoin. And, as always, they of course accept MasterCard and Visa and maybe even American Express, Discover, Diners Club and Union Pay. But not Bitcoin.

This is the problem we aim to solve. Our goal is to enable widespread adoption with the ability to make purchases online with Bitcoin. And our solution isn’t particularly complicated or high tech. We haven’t developed any new technology or tokens or coins. We haven’t developed any complicated software. Instead our solution is a legal one, achieved through the bankers and lawyers and accountants of the world.

We believe we are uniquely well suited for this task. As veterans of the offshoring business and banking world, we have spent the past decade legally achieving legal tax residency status in low tax and no tax or territorial tax jurisdiction countries where crypto is not taxed, both on business and personal levels. That enables us to take the tax hit, or lack thereof, where quite likely many of our customers would have to pay 1/3 to 1/2 of their crypto as taxes should they convert to fiat in a registered crypto exchange. And because of this, our business concept wasn’t hatched overnight but rather something we’ve collectively been doing for friends and family already for almost 2 years. Our goal now is to take that idea and make a business out of it.

We can do this because our ownership group, again on both business and personal levels, has achieved top tier KYC and AML verification status on no fewer than 80 of the world’s largest crypto exchanges. And we have acquired, again on both business and personal levels, literally hundreds of credit card and bank accounts around the world in the various countries in which we or our corporations are legally tax resident.

This is valuable to many people. In particular, our largest client base are those people who are tax residents of countries that somehow feel the need to tax 1/3 to 1/2 of the proceeds of any sales of crypto. We don’t think they deserve to steal your money, and neither should you. It is for this reason primarily that we allow you to buy stuff online using us as the intermediary. You earn crypto as payment. You don’t want to sell it and pay taxes on the gains. So instead you send it to us. And we buy stuff for you. And boxes of stuff arrive at your door, free of income and capital gains taxes. As for import duties, if the items are imported, we can’t help you there, but it’s still much better than nothing. Apartments booked, flights booked, hotels booked, boxes of stuff arriving at your door, all without taxes and headaches. Simple and easy. Problem solved.

Secondly, many people live in countries with oppressive governments or dictators or maybe even in states of anarchy or civil war where there are no reliable crypto to fiat exchanges allowing them to cash out their crypto for local fiat currency. If, for example, you are a freelancer in China or Vietnam and get paid in crypto, what good does it do you to have hundreds of bitcoins but no way to pay your rent or buy food or clothing? We solve that problem for you. You send bitcoin to us. We use our own credit cards and book you an apartment and buy you the food and clothes that you need. Problem solved.

Last, people like privacy and anonymity. What you do is your own business and we don’t believe that your purchases should remain part of a public record of any sort. After all, one of the most inherent and fundamental underpinnings of cryptocurrencies is that it enables anonymity and is free of government involvement. It was founded as a libertarian principals and we hope it can remain like that. You might want to buy things you don’t want your spouse, employer, business or government to be bought or traced back to you. In the grand tradition of former Swiss banking secrecy, we promise to keep no logs other than advertising and traffic source logs, and no database of customers or orders that have been placed. That means we don’t ask any questions. We don’t care who you are or what you do or where or how you earned your crypto. That’s between you and your spouse, employer, business or government and has nothing to do with us. We work with our own crypto currency exchanges who will undoubtedly declare our sales to a variety of governments, but that is a matter to be settled between us and our governments. So, if you’re seeking privacy and anonymity, again, we solve that problem for you.

It is the world’s first crypto to credit card exchange.